Jan 22, 2012

Should You Get Laser Hair Removal?

Should You Get Laser Hair Removal?

These are the drawbacks to, cons against and issues you should consider when getting laser hair removal.

Laser hair removal is an ideal way of getting red of excessive hair on your body. But even though a lot of people are gravitating towards laser hair removal and are abandoning waxing, plucking and shaving, does not mean that laser hair removal is without a few hiccups. Laser hair removal, like any other hair removal process can be discomforting.

Laser Hair Removal Not Painless
Laser hair removal is safe but you can expect to feel some amount of pain during the laser hair removal process. Given that the laser uses heat to destroy hair follicles beneath the skin, you will feel some type of pain. However, the discomfort one feels varies from person to person. There are a number of laser hair removal patients who said they have experienced a little sting or snap during the laser hair removal process, while some experience moderate to intense pain. Nevertheless, expect to feel some level of pain during laser hair removal. You should note, however, that some clinics offer numbing cream if you are experiencing pain during a laser hair removal session.

Another con of laser hair removal is that it can be quite expensive. Laser hair removal is never done in just one session, so you will have to pay a steep price for each session. According to The U. S. national average, a laser hair removal treatment should cost you about $450. But the real cost of a laser hair removal treatment depends on the area where from which the hair is to be removed, how long the hair is and the color of the hair to be removed. Other factors such as the state in which you get the laser hair removal done, the kind of laser hair removal equipment used and the hair removal practitioner also factor into how much laser hair removal will cost you.

Laser Hair Removal Selective
Laser hair removal does not work for everyone. The ideal candidate for laser hair removal is someone with dark hair and light skin. This is because laser hair removal lights can easily be absorbed through dark hair and light skin. Persons with dark skin; African descendants, Middle Easterners and persons from the Mediterranean will have difficulties removing bodily hair with lasers. In fact, the darker your skin is, the more likely it will or could be damaged during the laser hair removal treatment.
Also, persons with blonde and red hair will find laser hair removal difficult because blond or red hair absorbs very little light. You cannot remove grey hair with laser hair removal treatment because grey hair does not absorb light.
Laser hair removal does not remove hair permanently. Rather,  it minimizes hair growth ensuring that hair grows slower and lighter after the initial laser hair removal treatment.

Side Effects/Precautions
After laser hair removal you may experience some redness and small bumps around the area where you have just had hair removed. In some cases, your skin may blister, peel, scar, sting, become inflamed or your hair follicles may become infected and ooze pus. Your skin may also become discoloured, becoming lighter or darker. Another drawback to laser hair removal is that you cannot pluck or wax after or during the total hair removal process. Your hair will fall out on its own time. You should also wear a lot of sunscreen and try to avoid direct sunlight for up to two weeks after laser hair removal.
If any of these severe side effects occur after laser hair removal you should consult your doctor right away


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