Jan 22, 2012

Does Laser Hair Removals Works on RED Hair?

Does Laser Hair Removals Works on RED Hair?

Does laser hair removal works on red hair?
Previously it was measured as ineffective. However, with the laser technology’s advancement this may not be the case.
To better understand the resistance of hair colors to laser procedures, understanding first as to how laser hair treatment works is necessary. Firstly, it works mainly on targeting the melanin in the hair; the pigment the shaft of the hair. The laser then locks the pigment and heats the hair to a temperature high enough to destroy the follicles where the hair grows from and making it incapable of growing hair. With red hair, lasers have impenetrability in seeing these pigments. Resolving this difficulty of treating red hair, using the hair removal combination of radio waves and laser is offered by some treatment centers.
With these combined treatments does laser hair removal work on red hair? Probably yes, chances are this approach of treatment has been claimed to work better in targeting the melanin and working directly on the follicle.


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