Jan 22, 2012

What Exactly is Laser Hair Removal?

What Exactly is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser Hair Removal is the dermatological removal of unwanted hair on the body. Hair removal mostly performed in clinics, is now available for personal home use by using lasers designed for self-treating.

Laser Hair Removal is the dermatological removal of unwanted hair on the body. Hair removal mostly performed in clinics, is now available for personal home use by using lasers designed for self-treating. The main idea behind laser hair removal is taking a targeted area where a person wishes to remove unwanted hair, and provide light and pulse duration on those areas. Lasers cause damage to the area that is treated. Lasers treat by heating the follicle but not the rest of the skin. Dark objects like dark hair follicles absorb laser energy with intense speed. Melanin is the primary in hair removal lasers on the market today. Only black or brown hair removes due to the selective absorption. Dark coarse hair is the ideal type to remove. Light skin with dark hair produces the best results when it comes to hair removal. They have new lasers today that remove darker hair on dark skin efficiently.
Laser Hair Removal has become very popular and highly sought. Areas like the Med Spa offer professional hair removal at a fair price. Treatments to remove unwanted hair are usually from three to eight treatments. Some people will occasionally need a touch up to remove some minor growth in the treated area. Studies with laser hair removal and electrolysis for hair removal, shows that the laser is 60 times faster at removing the hair. It is less painful and more reliable.
Doctors and nurse practitioners have used both visible light and near infrared radiation in removing hair. Most people need a minimum of seven treatments. The number of sessions depends on area of body being treated, skin color, coarseness, and gender. Easiest Hair Removal is coarse dark hair on light skin. Side effects that are possible are itching, redness or swelling in the area treated. They rarely last up to three days. Numbing creams are available for hair removal over large areas due to possibility of some pain. Apply cream to the treatment area approximately 30 minutes prior to treatment. Cost of these treatments varies from areas treated to physician providing. They range from $100 to several hundred per treatment. Some offices offer package specials. For information on Laser Hair removal San Diego, you can go online and type in Hair Removal in the search engine to broaden your knowledge.


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