Jan 21, 2012

Google Panda Updates on Top

The Impact of Google Panda Updates on Top Writing Sites

It’s good that Google came up with several Panda updates to improve the quality of its search results since February 2011. Almost all the websites were hit badly by the Google panda updates and eventually these websites experienced a huge drop in traffic. Needless to say the earnings of these websites fell significantly after the Google panda updates. What is the impact of Google Panda Updates on writing sites? Please keep reading……

Almost all the writing sites were hit hard by the Panda updates: All the writing sites were worst hit by the Google panda updates. Triond was hurt badly and most Triond writers lost traffic and earnings heavily. Alexa traffic chart will give you some idea about the traffic fall of Triond.
See the damage panda did to Triond:

 See the traffic fall after panda updates in February 2011.
HubPages:  I honestly didn’t expect the panda updates could do so much damage to HubPages as the site was very strict and followed Google’s policies completely. May be HubPages is too strict and that affect its growth.
Alexa chart for Hubpages:

The Panda updates didn’t have much impact on Squidoo. It is doing well even after the panda updates.

Here is the traffic details of Ehow.

Image by thms.nl via Flickr
Xomba and flixya are hit worst by he Google Panda: Flixya and Xomba were hit very badly by the panda.
Xomba traffic:

Flixya traffic chart:

Summary: It’s surprising that almost all the writing sites were hit hard by the Google panda updates. It’s even more surprising that none of them could recover from the hit. Needless to say that almost all blogs and websites lost traffic after the Google updates. So, what did Google achieve from these Panda updates? I still see so many crappy articles on the front pages of Google. Do you find any improvement in the quality of Google search results? Thanks for reading.
                         How to get free images for your articles
I make money on Triond. If you want to write and earn, join Triond HERE. It’s free. 
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