Jan 21, 2012

Triond Will Get Shut Down by Sopa

Triond Will Get Shut Down by Sopa! You Guys Need to Act Now!

You think SOPA is just affecting video games and piracy sites? No no no – Triond can get shut down as well!

For those of you who don’t know what SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act), it is a soon-to-be-law that allows law enforcers to shut down any websites that have pirated or stolen content in it. This includes any website that is out of the USA, and even websites that link to pirated content.

What does this mean for Triond?

It means that when this law gets passed, Triond will get shut down.

Because we have links to Pirated Games.

That’s right. All those free Modern Warfare 3 downloads, Skyrim keygen downloads, and all this stolen music and whatnot will cause Triond to get shut down.

What about images?

You know that fancy Google Image function? Well, if you’ve taken an image from the search engine and it is copyrighted (and a bunch of them are), Triond will also get eliminated from the internet.


If SOPA passes, The USA will give the troops permission to shut down Triond. They will take down Triond by FORCE!


Need more information and some conspiracy? Watch the below videoThat’s right, CBS, the one that hosted all this pirated content, is turning its head and suing all the people that used their programs for pirated content. Isn’t that crazy?!No, don’t delete your links, and no, don’t delete your images, because odds are you’re not the only one with the above content. Instead, you need to talk to your congress man and tell them to not implement SOPA! You guys needs to defend the only free grounds in the world – the Internet!
So you guys need to act now. For the sake of Triond and for the sake of our money-making endeavors, and for the sake of the INTERNET, act now and stop SOPA!
More SOPA Information, and how you can Act now!


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