Jan 21, 2012

Three Winning Tips to Write Google Adwords Ads That Work

Three Winning Tips to Write Google Adwords Ads That Work

The reason why millions of businesses have used PPC advertising, and specifically Google Adwords, is simply because of the extremely targeted nature of the organic traffic. So that’s what we’re talking about today, how to write stronger ad copy for better results.
Adwords ad copy is much like classified ads, and you need to talk in specifics. If you ever thought about saving time by using an ad copy template – just do not ever do that. Your ads have a target audience, obviously, and so each ad must address them. Hence the reason to always avoid ad copy formulas that are too generic and templates, etc. The following example applies to any business; but let’s just say your fabulous shirt company offers a wide selection of shirts – all kinds and all categories. The correct approach is to write specific ads for each of your primary keywords for each ad group. But how do you really achieve this in the best possible way? Well, we just told you because each main keyword phrase, you’ll have to look at them and decide on this, will have it’s very own ad group; and then you merely write an ad pertaining to each ad group. Breaking it down and organizing your campaigns in this manner will give you the greatest chance for good results. Secondly, you must offer your main benefit in each ad that you write. Doing this is just advertising basics, and if you study how to write effective classified ads, then you will learn how to do this. The reason for including a strong benefit is simple, and that is because people use their hearts and feelings to decide what to buy. If you are able to do this, then bringing out your USP isn’t that difficult. Your ad’s copy must be able to highlight your selling proposition. Your ad must also serve the purpose of making people feel that only you can do what no one else can. If your ad can make the reader feel like you’re the only one, then you’ve done your job.
The overall look of your ad also plays a huge role, too. What that simply means is always double check and proof read your ads for unnecessary spelling, grammar errors, etc. You probably will not see many, if any, on the front page of the SERPS, but maybe toward the end of the ads you might. You can see mistakes with spelling, or punctuation, or capitalization, etc. When you’re working with AdWords, you don’t have a lot of space to experiment. Your headline is critical because it will determine if people want to read further. Just remember that your ad has different components, and they must work together as a team. Remember to capitalize the first letter of each word in the headline because it converts better.
All in all, from the above tips we understand that in order to write effective AdWords ads, you should focus on creating copy that is not only unique but also has the ability to attract attention. The more ads you write and study, the better will be youir belief in yourself, and that is very important to your success.
Adwords is very effective when promoting CPA offers, an excellent video
CPA offer course can be found at http://easycashforsignups.com


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