Jan 15, 2012

Pirates of The Caribbean 5: Beyond The Seas World

Pirates of The Caribbean 5: Beyond The Seas World (Complete Leaked Screenplay)

Pirates of the Caribbean 5: Beyond The Seas WorldPirates of the Caribbean: Beyond The Seas World is an adventure fantasy film and the fifth installment in the Pirates of the Caribbean series. The plot follows Captain Jack Sparrow and the crew of a size-shifting Black Pearl, Captain Elizabeth Swann (the new Pirate Lord of the South China Sea) and the crew of The Empress, and Captain Barbossa the commander of the Queen Anne’s Revenge and his crew, with Tia Dalma/Calypso; all rescuing Will Turner and The Flying Dutchman with its crew, from the seas’ permanent bound and making them being able to set foot again on land and on Earth again; and then with the help of Captain Will and the crew of The Flying Dutchman, they all then fight to contain the masqueraded Aztec pirates under the leadership of their chief captain The Mystery of The Death ship, who maraud the oceans and seas and halt all piracies and navigation, with the  hope of locating the Aztec gold stolen from them by Captains Jack Sparrow and Barbossa and the former crew of the Black Pearl. The curse of the Black Pearl has now become what is widely known in the world of piracies as The Curse of the Seas.

The Caribbean Sea is under a series of striking and rebelling marauding orchestrated by several masqueraded Aztec pirates under the leadership of their chief pirate, The Mystery, who captains The Death ship. They now control all the world’s seas and oceans and execute anyone associated with piracy, and use the evil dark medallion planted in the deep of the sea, and its evil-cursed powers to control and destroy all non-Aztec pirate ships on the seas they have equally cursed. The cursed seas have become “living seas” whose living waters offensively and automatically attack any non-Aztec pirate ship navigating on it. The Aztec are after the Aztec treasure long stolen from their gods’ shrine by pirates and they will destroy and halt all forms of piracy if their treasure is not retuned to them. The Aztec want to discover who’s under the theft of the Aztec gold who was the treasure of their God and recover the treasure to save their tribe because a curse has just befallen the tribe due to the theft of its godly treasure and its long delayed recovery. The long ago curse of the Black Pearl has now become the curse of the Seas.
When the Aztec pirates make clear to all the pirates in the world and especially to the Caribbean pirates, their requests of their treasure being returned in condition for the seas to be lifted of its curse after the Aztec witch, The Sorcora, used her magic to reveal to the tribe it were Caribbean pirates who robbed the treasure after failing to locate the pirates in question; Captains Jack, Barbossa and Elizabeth meet and wonder how the cursed Aztec gold was not refunded back to its place as it was decided after all the evil it had done to the Black Pearl and its crew in the past, and why did Will not also hand out the golden medallion his father Bootstrap Bill had given him in the past to prolong the curse of the former Black Pearl crew. They also mystify on which pirate who after so many long years may want to betray them, Caribbean pirates, to the Aztec by revealing to them that they were the original robbers of the Aztec gold; since all pirates at the time who knew about the treasure’s robbery were already death except Jack Sparrow, Will, Barbossa, Pintel, Ragetti, Elizabeth, Tia Dalma/Calypso and a few others who had no business gain in betraying them to the Aztec if it was that the seas should in return be cursed and ending all piracies on it and killing the pirates business. Also all the Black Pearl’s crew at the time is already long death except Jack Sparrow, Barbossa, Pintel and Ragetti who they know and believe have no business in betraying them to the Aztec. Tia Dalma/Calypso, after being consulted by Captains Jack Sparrow and Elizabeth, reveals to them her magic informed her that the treasure had been stolen back by pirates and its still in their possessions and she is still waiting for it to reveal to her who robbed it after the curse was lifted from the Black Pearl and it’ crew at the time.
With the continued actions of the Aztec pirates, condemned prisoners sing “Hoist the Colors” to compel the now ten pirate lords comprising the Brethren Court to convene at Shipwreck Cove wherein amongst the ten pirate lord are Captain Jack Sparrow, Captain Elizabeth (who now comes in as the new successor of late Feng who died years ago after being mortally wounded on the course of Davy Jones attack on his ship with Elizabeth henceforth becoming the new Pirate Lord of the South China Sea, and who now captains Feng’s Chinese ship The Empress), and Captain Barbossa (who has now ranked in as the tenth pirate lord and second pirate lord of the Caribbean) as the latter proposes to the assembly to counter-attack the Aztec pirates instead of wasting their time searching for a treasure long lost since thirty years which they will probably never recover, meanwhile they could use that precious time to rid the seas of the Aztec and their curse. Tia Dalma/Calypso challenged death and resurrected them simply by breaking the spell she cast on Davy Jones and his ship many years ago, who was now the curse of Will Turner and the ship; as she once challenged death and resurrected Captain Barbossa. Will and Elizabeth re-unite again.
Immediately Will is freed from The Flying Dutchman, he defiantly opposes to the other pirate Captains and Tia Dalma/Calypso’s intention to destroy the ship which they believe will prevent both Davy Jones and his beast the Kraken from resurrection as they are bounded to the ship by some unbroken spell. Tia Dalma/Calypso says also that the spell she once ago cast on Davy Jones and his ship, which is now transmitted to Will and the ship, has effects wherein so long as the ship stays in the ocean depths in the afterlife, Jones and his Kraken are bound to remain dead, but so long as it emerges in the living world, so will Jones and the Kraken resurrect also to the living world. Will says he has now become accustomed to the ship and now considers it as his ship and it remains undestroyed. Will also explains to the others he still took back his golden medallion from the chest since he had loved it and had had been in its possession since his childhood, and he had long considered it as a talisman and fortune giver from his dead father at the time.
When the ten pirate lords comprising the Brethren Court convene at Shipwreck Cove for another session to plan the next action to be taken so as to recover the missing Aztec gold long stolen by Captain Jack Sparrow and Barbossa after having successfully freed their principal target, Will Turner; Pintel and Ragetti who are now fed up by the halt in the piracies due to the seas’ curse, betray Barbossa to the Brethren Court and the pirate lords by admitting he is the one who is in possession of the Aztec gold. They reveal to the court that at the time of the Black Pearl and it’s crew curse, after Jack shot Barbossa and Barbossa thought Jack just wasted his shot but Will then dropped the last two medallions stained with his blood into the chest and no longer immortal Barbossa collapsed and died, Will took back his golden medallion from the chest and they, Pintel and Ragetti stole the treasure and kept it. And when the treasure-greedy Barbossa came back to life after being resurrected by Tia Dalma/Calypso, they, his famous trusted pirates, gave him back the Aztec treasure they stole secretly away after Barbossa discovered it on them. When the court asks Barbossa why he still kept the treasure after all the evil it had done to him and his crew in the past, he admits he kept it in him for years believing he could one day meet a witch who will help strip the Aztec gold of its curse so that he spend it. They now understand why Barbossa strongly insisted Tia Dalma/Calypso should have the Aztec pirates out of the seas without necessarily wasting their time to search for the treasure.
After freeing Captain Will and strongly convincing him to give back the golden medallion so that the Aztec could take back their treasure, Captains Jack Sparrow, Elizabeth Turner, Barbossa and Will Turner, their ships and their crews; journey to The Hut; the Aztec island where they are to hand the treasure. After the exchanges are done, Jack Sparrow and Barbossa are surprised to find Angelica on the Aztec ship during their encounter with the Aztec. They learn that the pirates have held Angelina captive after they brought her to their tribe where their witch told them that she was the lover of the original robbers of the treasure. Angelica hating Jack Sparrow, replies that she is no more with him after he abandoned her on the island after killing her father. The Aztec decides to keep Angelica as a captive to use her in future for bargains and negotiations with the pirates, as she is the lover of the Caribbean pirate lord, Captain Jack Sparrow.
To free Angelica, negotiations are made wherein the Aztec want to exchange Angelica for the map of the famed Davy Jones Locker, which Elizabeth possesses and which is one of her treasured inheritance from the late Feng, as The Sorcora told her people to reclaim it. Jack after finally persuading an angered Elizabeth (who considers Angelica as of little value of importance as to the map as this creates the first rift between the two women) to handle it to the Aztec pirates, convinces her he will personally retrieve it back. Angelica who has also inherited some magical acquaintance from her dead father; later discovers that the map is not only a map to Davy Jones Locker, but it’s also a magical map that indicates the road to all destinations as well as being able to lead the way to Ella Caribe, the place where the Pearl can be returned to its original size. She decides to keep this secret as part of her punishment to Jack. She also notices Tia Dalma/Calypso’s addicted behavior towards the map and it confirms more her suspect of the priestess intentions. Elizabeth however secretly overhears Angelica and decides she will inform Jack so it will pressurize him at all cost to have back her map from the Aztec, since it will also be very crucial to him in returning his ship to its normal size.
However, as other plans and negotiations are made for Angelica to be freed, one of the Aztec pirate The Killer, has fallen in love with Angelica whom he plans to marry after she has helped his tribe locate the golden medallion and the treasure to be used to save his tribe. He and his brother Captain Mysterious of The Death ship retrieve themselves of the assembly and go to converse in secret; as Angelica hidden after been freed from her cage by Tia Dalma/Calypso, hears The Mysterious promise his brother he will betroth him to her, Angelica. She additionally overhears The Killer and The Mysterious plan to kill Captains Jack Sparrow and Barbossa as they hate them for their theft and the consequences it has already had on their tribe, and also for their fame, and The Killer additionally discovered Angelica stills loves Jack Sparrow and its the reason why she don’t return his love. Angelica also has a rival called Mathilda, who loves The Killer and has her plans to charm and bewitch The Killer who doesn’t return her love, to love her back. Angelica also after overhears Mathilda plan to murder her, making Angelica feel unsecured in the land and proclaiming her love for Jack Sparrow openly to the assembly so that he should be eager and encouraged to save her. also results in the ability of The Flying Dutchman to be able to ride the seas of the living world forever until its destruction by time. The Flying Dutchman becomes also the first and only pirate ship in the world to be able to ride in the living world and in the world of the dead (afterlife) and it plays the role of the living world and afterlife crosser. Angelica after discovering Elizabeth is willing to magically keep Jones Locker’s map away forever from everyone, ends up in breaking her vow by revealing to Jack of the magic of the map and its ability to help him have his ship returned to its normal size permanently. The two head off to return the Pearl to her original size after secretly stealing the map away from Elizabeth and away from the secret lust of it by Tia Dalma/Calypso.
In a post-credits scene, Tia Dalma/Calypso and Will Turner are in the afterlife using curses and spells to bind Davy Jones and his Kraken to a sea world full of hundred aged death pirates’ skeletons, so as to prevent him again from attempting to re-incarnate or resurrect to the living world.
In another humorous post-credits scene, it is shown how the living Totem of The Sorcora being worshipped as the new Priestess and Witch of the Aztec, and its rival the living Totem of The Mysterious, are dueling and are surrounded by the Aztec pirates.


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