Jan 15, 2012

Justin Bieber’s Upcoming Album Will Feature Will.I.Am

Justin Bieber’s Upcoming Album Will Feature Will.I.Am

Justin Bieber’s Upcoming Album Will Feature Will.I.Am

Justin Bieber had mentioned that his upcoming album “Believe” will feature other big stars such as Kanye West and Drake. Three days ago, the young pop star confirmed that his upcoming album will also feature Will.i.am from the Black Eyed Peas. Justin Bieber tweeted about the great news, and the frontman of the Black Eyed Peas responded: “let’s make a hit tomorrow!! #collab. ‘I gotta feeling this song is ganne be bigger than huge’ #willpower.” Justin Bieber and Will.i.am are both talented in music, so we can be sure that their collaboration will be awesome.
Justin Bieber’s Upcoming Album Will Feature Will.I.Am

Justin Bieber’s Upcoming Album Will Feature Will.I.Am
Justin Bieber made his appearance at the International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas a few days ago to introduce a new toy robot. However, details about the young pop star’s appearance during the show have just become available online. It turns out that the young pop star’s new hairstyle was not the only thing that worth mentioning. According to a source, when Justin Bieber was at the International Consumer Electronics Show, he was wearing over £200,000 worth of bling. The gold chain with diamond encrusted pendant that he was wearing is thought to be worth around £200,000, and he was also wearing customized jacket with Louis Vuitton leather that costs around £1,000. Seeing the fact that Justin Bieber loves to wear expensive accessories, he may need to be accompanied by more bodyguards wherever he goes.

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez’s Mexican Food Date

Everybody knows that Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are both rich and famous, but the young celebrity couple is also famous for their habit of having a normal date out. Recently, Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez were spotted at one of the hottest spots for Mexican food in California. According to an eyewitness, Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez were very polite to everyone there. Justin Bieber had the Chile Relleno, and Selena Gomez had the Green Tamales. Both of them choose Horchata to drink. The eyewitness also said that the young celebrity couple did not ask to be treated special. Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez did not act like big celebrities at all.


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