Jan 13, 2012

How To Get SEO To Work For Yahoo

   How To Get SEO To Work For Yahoo

                          by MRITUNJAY JADON (MJ)


Yahoo has become one of the world’s hottest websites. Yahoo is a site that offers not only a great search engine but also email services, news and information, weather reports, chat, games and even fantasy sports. Today you can use Yahoo for all sorts of different marketing needs with regards to getting your site to be a little more recognizable. You should use a few points in mind when it comes to getting a search engine optimization plan on Yahoo ready.

Yahoo SEO

The first thing to use for getting an SEO plan going on Yahoo is to make sure that you are working with content that is unique. This is the key point that Yahoo uses when trying to get an SEO plan to work. You can work with a site that is original and is not just copying off of another place if you want it to become more prominent on Yahoo.

It also helps to see that you are designing your site with the best points in mind. This includes making sure that you are getting your site to work with the best standards for making it easier to find things and to move around without dealing with any annoying dead links. Yahoo’s search engine spiders will keep your site from being easily noticeable if you have too many dead links on it.

You will also need to make sure that your site is designed to where it is clean and easy to move around. A good site will be one that is comfortable on the eyes and will not be too substantial. Yahoo will review sites to see that they are easy to read and look around.

You will need to keep every single page on your site unique. This includes individual pages that are not too similar and will feature different content on each page. These are all pages that will look more unique and will not be the same thing throughout the entire spot.

You should also keep from stuffing your site with keywords. Yahoo does look for keywords but it will not take in sites that are going to feature excess keyword use. Also, Yahoo, will not reward sites that use keywords that might not be related to what you are using on your site.
Speaking of keywords that relate to your site, it will help to see that your keywords actually deal with what you are trying to promote. This includes using sites that feature all sorts of details on what you are trying to promote.

The last tip for getting SEO on Yahoo to work is to avoid landing pages. A landing page that works to introduce people to your site will not be favored by Yahoo. Yahoo tends to deduct points from sites that have landing pages.
Be sure to use these tips if you want to promote your website with Yahoo. These SEO tips can help you to keep your site noticeable and easier to find on Yahoo. This is especially important because of how popular Yahoo has become


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