Jan 12, 2012

how to get listed in Yahoo News

     How to get listed in Yahoo News


Today it is a fact that Yahoo News has become more popular than MSNBC, CNN or BBC. With the Yahoo News, the visibility chances of your news site increases tremendously.
The crawler of Yahoo News crawls to pre-defined list of trusted news sites and with the help of their own algorithms it determines the ranking of stories. It is learned that Yahoo crawls about 6,500 news sources that includes a small share of blogs where as Google crawls about 4,500 news sources. Below are few tips about how to get your news site listed on Yahoo News:
Yahoo News Inclusion


Make a list of well trusted news sources which are indexed on Yahoo News. Try to get your news, articles or press releases published there. If it is a blog then engage your story ideas through comments.


Select few good wire services to submit press releases. The best are PR Newswire, Business Wire, MarketWire and PRWeb. Write quality articles because every news of the wire services does not get into Yahoo News. Never forget to include full urls of your article source in the release because there are chances of news search engines or wire services to convert it to an active link. Here the skill of press release optimization works.


If you frequently publish original content with multiple contributors and clear editorial process, you may then qualify of becoming a trusted news source for the search engines.


Apply for getting listed in Yahoo News.
Things to remember before applying for getting listed in Yahoo News
- The content of your news site has to be original and not just rewritten from the web.
- Write something about your organization.
- Must have multiple author on board and author information is necessary.
- Try to maintain transparency. Each post must contain name of author.
- Try to have focused news site.
- The look and feel of the site should be good. It should look like a news site.
- Every article should have static URL.
- Though it is a bit debated, but the URLs must have a unique 3 digit (minimum) number included.
- The site loading time should be fast.
- HTML pages work the best in getting listed.
- You may also give more details about your site such as its statistics, historical background, awards, editors, authors or who linking to your site.
What to tell Yahoo while applying
- Tell the amount of traffic your site gets.
- Show them how good and well written are your news stories.
- Inform them about any achievements you have earned. This adds to become a trusted and worthy source.
- Tell them you meet all the required information.
- Get several links of other sites linking to your site as a proof that your news site is a reliable source.
Almost the same rules apply for Google News, Bing News and Topix News. The search engine always wants the visitors to read authentic news


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