Jan 22, 2012

High Tech Munnabhais

High Tech Munnabhais!

With the help of high-tech gadgetry, medical cheats were all set to help dozens of Munnabhais crack the prestigious AIIMS entrance exam before they were nabbed by the Delhi Police.



From left) Kapil Kumar: The MBA degree holder from Jamia Milia Islamia was at the exam centre and mailed photos of question paper. Krishan P. Singh: MA from Jamia and MBA from IMT, Meerut, was also at the exam centre and leaked the test paper. Mohit Choudhary: 2nd-yr MBBS student at Ujjain, arranged candidates and coordinated the racket. DR Amit Punia: MBBS from PGIRohtak, took the gang's help to qualify for PG. Bhishma Singh: A computer programmer from UP helped Chaudhary and Co with useof computer in leaking the paper. Let's take a look at their modus ope*****


AlIMS exam: Prestigious test
- The all-India postgraduate medical entrance exam, conducted by AIIMS for medical colleges across India, is held in January every year.
- The total number of seats in this exam is more than 4,000 for more than 30 disciplines. The questions areof multiple-choice types.
- AIIMS conducts entrance exams to fill up its own PG/Post-Doctoral seats twice a year- May-June and Oct-Nov.
- The total number of PG seats in AIIMS in 2012 were 117 in 29 disciplines.
Two MBA graduates appeared for tests as fake candidates. They strapped hi-tech android phones on their wrists under their jacket sleeves. They used it to click photos of the question booklet and e-mail them to the  control room

At the control room in Greater Noida, kingpin Mohit Chaudhury downloaded the images with help of Bhishma Singh. They found the answers with the help of 'experts', who were connected on phone

Candidates at the exam centres weredictated the answers. They used skin-coloured earplugs connected with their phones to hear the answers

The candidates had Bluetooth device stitched in shirt collars. Their phone was connected to earplug and Bluetooth, so they didn't need to take out their phones.

High Tech Munnabhais!

With the help of high-tech gadgetry, medical cheats were all set to help dozens of Munnabhais crack the prestigious AIIMS entrance exam before they were nabbed by the Delhi Police.



From left) Kapil Kumar: The MBA degree holder from Jamia Milia Islamia was at the exam centre and mailed photos of question paper. Krishan P. Singh: MA from Jamia and MBA from IMT, Meerut, was also at the exam centre and leaked the test paper. Mohit Choudhary: 2nd-yr MBBS student at Ujjain, arranged candidates and coordinated the racket. DR Amit Punia: MBBS from PGIRohtak, took the gang's help to qualify for PG. Bhishma Singh: A computer programmer from UP helped Chaudhary and Co with useof computer in leaking the paper. Let's take a look at their modus ope*****


AlIMS exam: Prestigious test
- The all-India postgraduate medical entrance exam, conducted by AIIMS for medical colleges across India, is held in January every year.
- The total number of seats in this exam is more than 4,000 for more than 30 disciplines. The questions areof multiple-choice types.
- AIIMS conducts entrance exams to fill up its own PG/Post-Doctoral seats twice a year- May-June and Oct-Nov.
- The total number of PG seats in AIIMS in 2012 were 117 in 29 disciplines.
Two MBA graduates appeared for tests as fake candidates. They strapped hi-tech android phones on their wrists under their jacket sleeves. They used it to click photos of the question booklet and e-mail them to the  control room

At the control room in Greater Noida, kingpin Mohit Chaudhury downloaded the images with help of Bhishma Singh. They found the answers with the help of 'experts', who were connected on phone

Candidates at the exam centres weredictated the answers. They used skin-coloured earplugs connected with their phones to hear the answers

The candidates had Bluetooth device stitched in shirt collars. Their phone was connected to earplug and Bluetooth, so they didn't need to take out their phones.


Advin Steven said...

It is very sad new that the students wes done like that =(
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