Jan 22, 2012

Green 18 Kowloon East

Green 18 Kowloon East by Aedas

Aedas has designed an eco-friendly building with offices, shops and a car park. The sufficient design looks unusual and cool. Kowloon is a new generation of modern architectural design that is both contemporary andeco-friendly. The greenery wraps around the lower part of the building providing green effect and unusual look.
Green 18 Kowloon East by Aedas
Kowloon Bay, once dependent on manufacturing, is undergoing transformation of rejuvenation. With the building located in a community with dense industrial blocks, instead of providing another office tower entirely wrapped in a coolly glazed skin, the design investigates the possibility of providing an environmentally sustainable design in such an industrial area. The target is to contribute a greening effect to the neighborhood and enhance the quality of life for users in the building as well as the pedestrians on the street level.
While the upper part looks like a modern glazed tower the car park levels are planted with lush greenery that doesn’t just look great but is also eco-friendly. Urban environment is not too welcoming for green trees, expansive lawns and gardens but this architectural solution suits not only residences but now the office buildings and hopefully other architectural projects.
The green belt of the building was designed according to the owner’s wishes and designers hope it will increase the greening effect in the neighborhood. The plants clean the air and make the building look more inviting and unique.


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