Jan 22, 2012

14 creative ads use aliens and UFO

These us14 creative ads e aliens and UFO to help the people on earth to sell their products and services.
Fisher Space Pen: Alien
“Civilizing space since 1968″

Periodicos Asociados Human Encyclopedia: Alien
“Expect Every Sunday A Secret From Our Species”
Primus: Buddies
Masterlock: UFO
“Tough Enough For Any Job”
Sky TV: Chess
NHB sound studios: Alien birth
“Any sound you can imagine”
Maglite: Alien, 1
Coke Zero: Stuck
Propmark magazine: ET
Jamukha, GOT MILK?
Volkswagen Scirocco: Experience the unusual
Ovam: UFO
“Who do you count on for a clean environment? Together we make tomorrow more beautiful”
Smart for four: UFO
“nobody will believe you’ve seen a price like it”
Banco Financiero: Space attack
“Whatever happens you’ll earn 8.5%”


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