Jan 13, 2012

>>>>female Bodyguards Anyone Want? Enter Here.



Female Bodyguards Training Course In China

Muammar Qaddafi is gone, but the demand for women bodyguards are still there. And enterprising Chinese are willing to meet this demand ¨C the first batch of beautiful bodyguards already working on their level of training
1. It does not casting for a beauty contest. This is the future bodyguards for the first day of training in the Chinese city of Sanya.

2. Courses are held on the beach. Fora start ¨C jogging in cold water.

3. The girls have to go through 8-10 months of training before they can begin work. They will need to protect the rich women who need protection.

4. Training arranged by Tianjiao Special Guard / Security Consultant Ltd. In Sanya, Hainan Province.

5. 20 girls Joined the training.

6. One of the tasks: the girls are divided into two teams. One lies on his back, while others are in front of¡­

7. Then the girls go on the belly of his colleagues. Girl lying press must exert as much as possible. Then the teams switch places.

8. This is the first group of female bodyguard courses in China.

9. The first lesson took place on the beach. Required attribute is a swimsuit.

10. According to the organizing company, the best ¡°student¡± will be able to continue their studies at the International Academy of Security inIsrael .



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