Jan 17, 2012

Alchemy Android Game Complete Guide to all 380+ CombinationsAlchemy Android Game Complete Guide to all 380+ Combinations

Alchemy Android Game Complete Guide to all 380+ Combinations

                         BY    MRITUNJAY JADON



Here is a complete guide to the all of the 380+ possible combinations to date for the ever popular brain ^ puzzle game for your Android smartphone: Alchemy developed by Andrey ‘ZED’ Zaikin.
The objective of the game is simple yet highly addicting, you start out with the four basic elements: Fire, Water, Air and Earth. Then you can drag and drop the elements onto each other to create other “elements”. For example combining ‘air’ and ‘air’ will give you ‘wind’.
The combinations have a great humor to them as you progress with the game, here are some examples:
‘beatle’ + ‘beatle’ = ‘The Beatles’
‘chicken’ +’egg’ = ‘dilemma’
‘man’ + ‘vicodin’ = ‘House MD’
Here is the list of all 380+ element combinations available so far for the Alchemy Android game in alphabetical order, new combinations seem to be added frequently at the moment, so please to post a comment if you have found a combination not in our list:
Base Elements

Alchemy Android Game Complete Guide to all 380+ Combinations #-C
Alchemy Android Game Complete Guide to all 380+ Combinations D-G
Alchemy Android Game Complete Guide to all 380+ Combinations H-M
Alchemy Android Game Complete Guide to all 380+ Combinations O-S
Alchemy Android Game Complete Guide to all 380+ Combinations T-


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