Mar 20, 2012

How To Get Married In Skyrim

xpect players to nurture long courtships and build relationships with love interests before getting any romantic payoff. That's not the case with Skyrim. This simple guide shows you how to tie the knot with your favorite eligible citizen. 

The first step is going to the Temple of Mara in Riften. Once you're in the town, here's where it is on the map (the door with the arrow pointing down):

Once inside, talk to the priest named Maramal (he may be wandering around town instead).



Chat about Mara and weddings, and he'll ask you if you know how marriage works. After an explanation, you have the chance to buy an Amulet of Mara for 200 bucks.

In addition to the bonus on restoration spells, wearing this amulet is how you broadcast to the world that you're looking to get hitched. Have you encountered characters that seemed interested in you, but you couldn't figure out how to flirt? That's because there isn't really much flirting in Skyrim. You wear a necklace, meet someone you like, and if that person likes you back, you get married. Apparently there are many potential spouses in Skyrim, and some of them require you to meet certain requirements before they'll marry you. That's why I chose someone I was already in good with due to an early quest:

Camilla lives in Riverwood and works with her brother at the Riverwood Trader. I fetched a golden claw for them when the game began, so as soon as she saw me wearing the "I wanna get married" amulet, she was all over me. Without going on a single date, we agreed to get married. I traveled back to the temple in Riften, told the priest, and we had a ceremony (shown in the picture at the top of the page). I was a handsome and irresistible groom:

After you're married, you can talk to your spouse and decide where to live. You can select any house you own (or live in your spouse's home), but the decision isn't permanent and you can move later if you choose.

It's up to you to find out who you want to marry and how to win their favor, but these are the basic steps to follow when the decision is made. You can marry any eligible individual regardless of race, gender, or age. The whole process may seem somewhat abrupt to gamers who are accustomed more developed romance subplots (like those in Mass Effect), but life in Skyrim is tough and short, so you have to seize happiness when you can.

(Apologies for the substandard picture quality. I just snapped some shots off my TV with my phone. Seriously, the game looks way better than this.)




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