Jan 23, 2012

WTC Devil and MS Word Illusion

WTC Devil and MS Word Illusion

Alexander Grando sent this few week ago: “Maybe you will enjoy this picture? I remember seeing this first around the time of 9/11, it’s a picture of the twin towers burning during the attack. I can see a face in it which is circled. Some I showed could not. Scary”. Be sure to open this article to see two more simmilar photos, one is from CNN.
In my opinnion the “face” looks like a devil. If You still think it is all load of rubbish and you dont think that it’s freaky at all, do this and see what you think then: Open up MICROSOFT WORD, type in Q33 NY in capitals (the number of the 1st plane that hit the Twin Towers, highlight the Q33 NY, change the font size to 48.Now change the font of righting to WINGDINGS. What do you see? I know all of this is pretty old stuff, but still scary and amuzing at the same time… (don’t get me wrong).

Why The Invisible Boxes?

While Liu Bolin uses his body as a canvas (to perfectly blend in with the surroundings), Cayeteno Ferrerpaints delivery boxes to make them disappear in front of our very own eyes! I’m pretty sure it must have taken ages for Ferrer to finish these boxes, yet I’m puzzled what is the meaning behind his work? Ok, I realize some installments are very hard to understand, yet I don’t see any purpose nor story in these…

Spinning Donut Illusion

These things just keep on rotating.. amazing! This still fascinates me, even though I posted bunch of them! Optical Illusions rock! Still, I think “Rotating Snakes Illusion” is still the best!

Stonehenge Optical Illusion

Going through my off-line illusion archive I have stumbled across an interesting painting created by Norman Parker. All odds are that last time I’ve seen it I overlooked the illusion it holds, thus decided there is nothing exceptional about his art.
Being in a hurry man can overpass some really worthy opportunities. Luckily, I spotted the mistake today, and am fixing this injustice. Our regular visitors should notice the impossible columns motive instantaneously, but to the untrained eye this illusion can be harder to spot *shame on me*.
NEWSFLASH: I’ve just been informed by our friends over at BlogHer how they teamed up with Intel, and decided to give Mighty Optical Illusions’ audience a special invite, for a chance to win 4 brand new laptops with futuristic Intel® Core™ i5 processors. There is even a greater chance for you to win some of the $250 Best Buy gift-cards simply by leaving a comment on one of the featured blogs. If this interests you, be sure to read more about their unique opportunity here!

Shadow Letters Illusion

Being so illusion-concentrated, I sometimes tend to forget about real-life manners, thus “successfully” overlooked the fact there were holidays I should have mentioned and congratulated upon. Not to mention how nicely it would be if I temporarily re-designed our homepage and logo to reflect the snowy and Santa-Claus atmosphere
I apologize for that, mostly because of my manners, but also lack of skills and additional staff… So here it is: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
Now let’s return to our topic. To see the genius of Belgian artist Fred Eerdekens, the lighting is very important. That’s because Eerdekens’ work relies on the shadows cast by sculptures — which are made of bent wires in this example — to unveil the hidden message to the viewer. Can you read all of the Eerdekens messages? What do they say?

Liu Bolin Has Disappeared!

We’ve featured lots of Liu Bolin’s camouflage paintings before, but that’s just because his talent is so incredibly impressive! I believe there is no reason to ever stop posting such amazing illusory installments when they come out. In my own opinion, some of Liu’s best works include tractor imagedragon series and the camouflage cans illusion because in all of these pictures, Liu appears practically invisible to untrained eye. No matter which of his works are your favorite though, it’s hard to deny the skill necessary to produce these. Specially once you get the chance to glaze through his newest series:

Which one’s your favorite? Do you ever have a hard time finding the person in the pictures?



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