Jan 21, 2012

NOW Increase Width of Blog Comment LOOK

 NOW Increase Width of Blog Comment LOOK

Blogger’s Embedded Comment Form comes in a fixed pixel size. So it might look bad in templates which have a wider post area. so how can we make it look better? – Just adjust the Comment form and increase its width.
So here is what the Transition will look like :)

would change to

How To Increase the Width of the Comment Form?
1.Go to Blogger Dashboard > Layout > Edit HTML and opt to expand the Widget Templates.
2. Now look for the code which looks like
<iframe allowtransparency='true' class='blogger-iframe-colorize' frameborder='0' height='275' id='comment-editor' scrolling='no' src='' width='100%'/>
3.To increase the width just change the 100% with the actual pixel size which you need. For example try changing 100% to 560px ,save the template and see the effect. Adjust the pixel size properly till you get the required width for your blogger comment form :)


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