Jan 9, 2012

HOW TO take Attention Every Facebook user

HOW TO take Attention  Every Facebook user

Hello Friends,

We all know about facebook.......So let's start discussing on main topic......

Almost 90% facebook users visit their profile everyday. Sometimes every facebook user have ever received any friend request from an unknown girl in facebook and which looks too much attractive If this is true....then beware from that profile or there is a chance that someone is targeting your account through that attractive fake profile.. So before approve or accept their friend request...first check these kind of important things which helps you to identify that profile is fake or genuine.

1) Friend request from an unknown person: -
Here is the main and first sign is that he or she will send you friend request. So don't add him or her if you don't him or her personally.

2) After that see his or her profile picture:-
The easiest thing is to identify a fake profile is that generally they use photos of models, sexy looking girls, or that photos which are very popular or may be copied from some other profile to protect themselves.

3) Check their friend list:-
There are two categories. First one have no friends accept you..... and another category is that he or she have a lots of friends from all over the world or not any specific region.

4) Reply:-
Almost 97% They never reply your message.

5) Application Request:-
If suppose, you accepted their friend request and after that you will receive a lot of requests to install their applications, then that profile is handled by application owner to spread the application to achieve his target.

6) Be aware from h@ckers and their h@cking links: -
If any unknown person post harmful link in your wall, then immidiately delete that peson, otherwise facebook can permannat ban your account and your IP for promoting h@cking links or any h@cking related illegal stuff...even when you are not involved.

7)Check the status of that profile:-
You will not find any status update on those profiles becayse the fake profile person don't have time to maintain that profile like a real one.


You will find a lot of tagged photos in his or her photo album and they mostly looks almost fake one.

8) They never use their fake profile to comment everywhere. Their profile have only 1 picture.

9) Fake profile birth date is always ( Most of the time) is 01/01 because this is the fastest choice to make a fake profile.

10) And look other thigs like interests, Looking for, all tickmarks are checked like friendship, dating, relationship, networking and ohers..

Above are common facts to know a fake profile. if you find any kind of signs about any profile....then you can repost to facebook.


Why people Create Fake profiles?

And here are some main reasons that why people make fake profiles in facebook

Actually its a most annoying and dangerous issue...and its really a challenging problem for the Mr. Mark.

1) Relationships: -
All is depend upon relationship. Lovers or friends or any couple teasing each others, tasting by fake comments by creating fake profiles, testing each other by fake messages or flirts...

2) To monitor a targeted person or fields :-
Monitoring people in various fields like students, teen- angers, employees, or to examine their real nature and response at various conditions and situations.

3) To increase Business and Publicity: -
Forcing people to invest in their business or make their business more popular, to earning indirectly profit and publicity.

4) To take a Revenge from anyone :-

Broken people in business, hearted love couples, or any other serious problems, specially the age between 19-25...to take revenge from a friend, enymy or his or her lover by creating a fake profile and try to insult or discourage them in the facebook society and in the world of web.

5) Physical Attraction :-

Men creates fake profiles of women and women create fake profiles of men to attract each other and to know that person deeply to taste a situation.

6) Just for Fun: -

Many people do fake profiles because just to enjoy and just for fun. Just for timepass or fool someone.

There are so many other reasons behind this. But above are some common reasons.

So friends, enjoy on facebook but be careful too........ because finally its a virtual world.

Thank you...



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