Jan 9, 2012

HOW TO GET Your VPN connection For Free

HOW TO GET  Your VPN connection For Free

How to Create a VPN
Connection for Free:
Download proXPN Wizard
(its free). Click here to download
-Once the Downloading is
complete, open it and click on
the Next button.

-Accept the License
agreement to continue with
the installation process.
-Now installation will start. Be
patient while the installation is
underway. It may take some

-Once the installation is
complete click on Finish
-Now the proXPN login
window will be open. In this
click on Don’t have an

-Your default browser will
automatically get opened..
Click on the No Thanks, I
want a proXPN Basic

-Give your Email Address and
password and then click on
Create an Account.
-A confirmation will be sent to
your Email Address. Open
your Account and click on
that link.
-Now your proXPN free
Account has been created.
Just go back to the installed
proXPN login window and login
with your Email Address and

-After this click on the
Connect button. If everything
goes fine then you will see a
Green button in your System
That’s it! Now you are surfing
safe and secure on the


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